domingo, 26 de junio de 2016

Projecte AWHAS (Erasmus Plus)

Our school participates in the Erasmus Plus Project "A World of Harmony: Art and Science".
The students learn about the interaction between these two subjects.
There are five schools participating from La Sénia, Beja (Portugal), La Rochelle (France), Bucarest (Romania) and Istambul (Turkey).

Twinspace of the Project - Year 1
Twinspace of the Project - Year 2

Since the main artistic topic studied in La Sénia is "Les Catifes de Pallerols", which are traditional carpets made on the street by painted sawdust, the Science students from La Sénia researched about colour as a physical phenomenon and pigments as chemicals.

Course: 2014-15. Level: 3r ESO (9th grade). Subject: Science


Course: 2014-15. Level: 4th ESO (10th grade). Subject: Physics & Chemistry

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